Message from Head of School

Nuzhat Naim Siddique
Head of School

As Head of School of Sir Maurice Brown International School I wish to extend a warm welcome to all our parents, pupils and teachers.

We are proud of the wonderful school we have developed and the great learning experiences and opportunities we offer our students. Our school is committed to providing a quality education for all pupils that develops the whole child. Along with class room learning we also put emphasis on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
We are fortunate to have a highly dedicated teaching, administrative and support staff to ensure the learning environment of our students is the best it can be.

At Sir Maurice Brown International School we value every individual in our care and it is our aim to provide the best possible environment in which children can succeed. We emphasize on developing relationship with every pupil and parent, which means we know each pupil as an individual.

At SMBIS we try our best that every child must enjoy learning at school because we believe in the great saying of Leonardo da Vinci – “Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in”.
With that note I would like to conclude my message. We look forward to guiding and sharing your child’s learning journey and welcome your involvement and contribution to our school.
Thank you.