Extra Curricular Activities (ECA)

Self-defense class

Self-defense class is held once a week for Nursery to Class: VIII pupils.

Art and craft

Art and craft is also taught to the students. An art competition is held every year.


Dance lesson is given to pupils.


Music lesson is given to pupils from Play Group to Class: IX. Music class is held every week

Club Activity

Club activity is also an important feature of SMBIS. At present we have Language (English and Bangla), Sports and Science Clubs for our pupils.  Gradually we also intend to include clubs such as Debate, Quiz Club, Newsletter, Music, Art and Crafts and Community Service Clubs.  It is compulsory for pupils from Class I and above to join at least one club.

Cooking Class

Sports Club

Various indoor and outdoor sports activities are held every week for pupils, supervised by our sports club moderator.

Language Club

Language club activity includes areas like recitation, handwriting and debates.

Science Club

This class is for children to explore their minds. Pupils are introduced with various easy and interesting scientific experiments.